Kehilla Community Passover Seder 2016

By Kehilla Community Synagogue (other events)

Saturday, April 23 2016 4:45 PM 8:30 PM PST

Led by Rabbis Burt Jacobson, David J. Cooper

Special guest leaders: Rev. Brian (“B.K.”) Woodson:  Director of the Emerging Leaders Program of Allen Temple Baptist Church and Linda Hirschhorn: Cantor, Singer amd Song Writer.  

Our Theme will be:  "Solidarity - Joining Hands in Mutual Support"

The Torah says that it was not only the Israelites who were in the Exodus, but that they were joined by a "mixed multitude." All successful movements of liberation require mutual support across communities and across issues. As we celebrate Passover, let us consider how our community has done so, and where we may want to be involved in the future as we advance toward justice and freedom.


Please come to this event scent free